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Baby Girl Winter Clothes

High snowdrifts and frost are not a reason to give up walking. After all, in winter, a child can ride with the same joy on slides and swings, build ice fortresses, make snow angels, and throw snowballs. To make your little girl comfortable and warm, parents must learn how to select a winter wardrobe and choose baby girl winter clothes. You need to dress the child so that she is neither cold nor hot, so that she can safely run and jump. In the article, we will talk about the rules of winter walks and the principle of layering when choosing children's clothing for the winter.

baby winter accessories

When Is the Best Time to Go for a Walk?

According to the recommendations of pediatricians, if a child was born in late autumn or winter, the first walk with them should be planned after about 14 days of life. However, this is not strict, because it all depends on the physiological characteristics of the baby, the capabilities of the family, and the temperature outside. Under favorable conditions, you can go outside as early as 3-5 days after birth. And of course, you should correctly dress a newborn baby girl in winter. Sometimes there are such frosts and winds blowing that it is better to replace walks outside with daily exits to a well-ventilated balcony.

Under average statistical conditions, when the weather is calm outside and the air temperature is up to -5°C, you can go for the first family walk with your baby choosing the right baby girl winter clothes. Depending on the child’s mood and clothing, it should last about 10 minutes. For the first time, you can take a walk without a stroller or sled. If the weather persists, the next day you can walk for 15 minutes, the other day for 20 minutes, etc. In this rhythm, by the end of the first month of life, the baby will be able to spend 1-1.5 hours in the fresh air.

The allowed temperature for babies

When organizing walks outside and creating a wardrobe to dress a baby girl in the winter, you can follow the recommendations regarding the air temperature:

  • From birth to 1.5 months, you should go out by the temperature up to -5°C;
  • 1.5-3 months - up to -10°C;
  • 3-6 months - up to -15°C;
  • From 6 months - up to -20°C.

Even if the child has grown up and got stronger and their clothes are matched by age and season, it is not recommended to go for family walks for more than 30 minutes at air temperatures below -20°C. The same goes for strong winds, rains, and heavy snowfalls. In winter, in bad weather, a walk can be replaced by an afternoon nap on the balcony. However, here, too, you need to choose the right winter clothes for baby girls and create the appropriate conditions.

The Principle of Layering to Dress a Newborn Baby Girl in Winter

Winter is a season that is often accompanied by heavy snowfalls, slush, strong winds, or calm windless weather. So, if you are going to choose baby girl winter clothes, you need to take into account the climatic features of the region in which the baby resides. As a rule, the air temperature is up to -20°C. For such a winter, membrane clothing is most suitable. The membrane is a material coated with a special compound that:

  • Does not allow wind and moisture to pass through;
  • Allows the fabric to breathe;
  • Removes excess moisture from the body;
  • Supports natural heat exchange.

Creating layers

In winter, membrane clothing does not warm or cool. It creates a kind of air layer that prevents the child from freezing and sweating. However, such winter clothes for baby girls work only when they are worn, observing the principle of layering. To make it comfortable and warm in winter, it is more correct to dress the child in several layers of clothing, where:

  1. The first layer is baby thermal underwear. It contains a certain percentage of synthetic fibers that help moisture evaporate faster and keep the body dry. This distinguishes thermal underwear from regular cotton one, which absorbs moisture and cools the body. So, you should dress a baby girl in the winter considering this issue.
  2. The second layer is fleece or woolen clothes. In winter, the baby is not warmed by outerwear, but by a middle layer that retains the heat emanating from the body and removes excess moisture. This is one of the most important layers when it comes to baby girl winter clothes.
  3. The third layer is membrane outerwear. The top layer protects from wind and moisture and also allows the removed moisture to evaporate. Before you put a child in a jacket or a membrane coat, you need to take into account their temperature regime. Usually, it is indicated on the label. This is also a good option to dress a newborn baby girl in winter.

Choosing shoes to dress a newborn baby girl in winter

You should not only think about baby girl winter clothes. Children's winter shoes should be mentioned separately. When choosing it, climatic and physiological characteristics are also taken into account. Ideally, in winter, the baby should have several pairs of shoes for snowy weather, slush, and frost.

Winter Clothes for Baby Girls for Winter Walks

Such a wardrobe is designed for children of 1-3 years old who are becoming quite active on the street. In late autumn or early winter, when the air temperature has not yet dropped below 0 degrees, you can add overalls to baby girl winter clothes or clothes with insulation weighing 80 g. As the bottom layer, you need to take an undershirt, panties, tights, or cotton long-sleeve, put on membrane demi-season boots on the feet, and the knitted hat with a cotton lining on the head.

As soon as the temperature drops to -5°C, you need to dress the child in thermal underwear, which is worn on a naked body. At an air temperature of up to -10°C, a child should be dressed in overalls or a set with insulation weighing up to 200 g. Demi-season shoes are replaced with warmer ones in order to correctly dress a baby girl in the winter. This is similar to the principle of older family members’ clothing.

A Set of Baby Girl Winter Clothes

If winter is accompanied by a drop in temperature to -20°C, you need to dress the child in the following set of things:

  • thermal underwear (its price can vary);
  • fleece jumpsuit;
  • overalls with insulation weighing 200 g;
  • winter membrane boots;
  • woolen scarf and hat with flannel lining;
  • warm mittens.

Going for a walk in winter, you need to take a warm blanket with you, which, if necessary, will warm the baby if the chosen winter clothes for baby girls are not enough. While the child is playing, parents should monitor their well-being. At the first signs of overheating or hypothermia, you need to go into a warm room, dress the child warmer, or, conversely, take off excess clothes.

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