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Pictures for the First-Year Baby Photo Album

Are you on the final weeks of pregnancy or have you just brought your little newborn home from the hospital? This is time to think about the first-year album that will be the memory for the whole life. Time flies fast, and you won’t even notice how quickly your tiny sleepy baby turns into a crawling and even running child with a toothy smile.

It is impossible to slow the time down, especially when there are so many routines and chores to do. The best way to capture precious moments is to think of a baby photo album in advance so that you already know what to do and which props you may need. There are lots of ideas and we have collected the cutest and easiest ones so that you could open an album on the first birthday of your child and enjoy precious moments and times.

Baby Photo Ideas for the First Album

One of the most beloved services now is the professional photoshoot of newborns. This is a perfect period because your child will sleep most of the time. Every parent who has decided to ask a professional for newborn baby photo service has never regretted it. First and most important is that a real pro knows how to work with such tiny babies, how to change their positions without disturbing their sleep. Also, such a photographer has got a lot of props that include not only cute outfits but also accessories and additional items that will complement the pictures — from baskets to special chairs, blankets, etc.

If you are not fond of involving another person in making the first album, we have prepared for your baby photo-shoot ideas that will come in handy even if you are not a professional photographer. Before proceeding to them, we would like to remind that the first year is the year when so many things are done by your baby for the first time. Take the camera out of the wardrobe and keep it in the vicinity so that not to miss precious moments. Make use of your smartphone camera and take as many pictures and videos as you can. These all will be the most precious memories for the whole life.

baby photo collage ideas
Image Source: Dani Leigh Giannandrea

Ideas of Baby Photo Collages With Minimum Preparation

Just like with pregnancy, the best way to show the speed of growth is to make a photo collage of pictures taken every month. To show how fast your child changes and growth, try placing your baby in the same place with the same surrounding objects. Here are some baby photo ideas for this collage.

1. Age & Achievements

This is probably the idea that is the easiest to implement. It is only necessary to take a picture of your child on a plain background, for example, a white bed sheet. Then, use an editor of images and add the info on the age and most important achievements. Weight and length may be also included.

2. Baby Near the Belly

Have you made the collage of your bump progress? Then, the last picture before birth may become the first one on the collage with your child. Stand in the same pose in the same place and hold your baby near the belly. If you want, you may even join these two periods, pregnancy and the first year, and create a big collage from the day you have discovered that you are expecting the first birthday. Lots of things have happened, haven’t they?

3. Hold Your Baby In Hands

If you want to have the picture of the child only, instead of taking the pics near the belly, you can leave only your hands in the shot. Make sure that the background is always the same. It is also nice if you try to catch your baby in almost the same pose every month. Here, it is even better to dress your baby in different bright outfits so that a baby is in the center of attention.

Collages with Baby Photo Props

If you have time for more thorough preparation, you can acquire special accessories for taking pictures. This can be special stickers saying something like “Hey, I am 1/2/3... months today!” or a calendar where you can circle the age your child has reached. Besides, you may even use some stuff you have at your home. Here are a couple of ideas for baby photo collages.

4. Make Use of Flowers

Of course, this is always a great idea to add flowers in a photo. Looking for baby girl photo collage ideas, use seasonal flowers to design the numbers that represent the month. Keep the background and the color of your child outfits in the same color range. Besides, try making the number representing the month of the same size so that to see how quickly your daughter grows.

5. Growth Progress

Take a toy of the same size that your newborn is. This can be a stuffed animal. Take pictures near this toy every single month and you will see how much your baby has changed during the first year.

The whole concept of making a collage is based on the wish to show the progress of growth and development from the newborn first days to the twelfth month of your baby. However, all these ideas for a collage are not the only photos to be taken. We have also prepared some suggestions on how to make the first-year album for your child.

Ideas for the First Baby Girl and Baby Boy Photo Album

Making a collage is always a great idea. However, if you have had no time to acquire special props and take pictures on the same backgrounds, there is always the possibility to pick some pics from your smartphone and make one. It would be even better not to select alike photos. If they are different, they should be different. Photoshop can become your friend to make this collage.

DYI Vs. Professional Album

If you want to prepare the first-year album for the first birthday of your son, it is possible to select a ready book on the Internet and then to pick pictures that you will place in it. There is a variety of stickers that can be used to fix pictures in the album. There are no boundaries to your creativity, just the time can limit it.

Alternatively, it is possible to entrust this to a professional who may select pictures on one’s own. The design of this book will be approved before printing. If you have had one or more photo shoots during this year, buy special first-year photo frames and hang the best pictures at home. You can print a family portrait on a canvas. The number of possible options is immense, pick the one you like most of all.

Add Memorabilia to the Album

Aside from pictures, an album can be the collection of things you would like to store: the cards you have received when your baby was born, the tag from the hospital, imprint of the foot/hand, the first toy, etc. In this case, this won’t be an album anymore, however, complementing it with something you appreciate so much will emphasize touchy moments you have lived through. Therefore, when you have begun looking for baby photo props, pay attention to the favorite blanket or some gifts that have been received at a baby shower, for instance. They may come in handy.

Baby Boy and Baby Girl Photo Ideas

Taking pictures is the only way we can capture time. If you think that there will be plenty of occasions, you are right to a certain extent. However, the first year is the hardest and the sweetest at the same time. That is why keeping your smartphone and camera close will help you memorize these cutest moments.

Holidays we are usually celebrating throughout the year give us a wonderful possibility to prepare for a mini-photoshoot. There are plenty of occasions: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year, Independence Day, etc. Buy thematic outfits and accessories and take baby girl or baby boy photos of your little one. Just imagine how cute your baby will look in an elf bodysuit near the Christmas tree. Here is one more idea. If you take pictures of the most important holidays and celebrations, they can be all then collected in a collage.

We know that contemporary people are used to taking thousands of pics. However, storing them on cloud services only, they lose their precious value. If you print the pictures of your little’s first year and collect them in an album, this will be the best memory for many years ahead, even for your child. Enjoy these precious moments and do not forget to capture them.

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