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Birth Plan Template: 6 Main Aspects to Consider

Waiting for the arrival of a child, especially the first one, every family is reading literature and web forums to find out as much information as possible. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to be 100% prepared for anything. Though, with a thoroughly thought-out birth plan form, you will have more ready responses to any of the possible questions right before the birth, during labors, and upon getting home from the hospital. We are going to provide you with a birth plan template that you can adapt to your specific situation. Read on to find out the most important aspects to take into consideration.

simple birth plan

Besides, having in advance prepared answers to the most significant questions, you will be able to instruct your family members and friends or even share your sample of the birth plan so that they know if anything is expected from them.

1. Who Will Be Involved?

The first question to consider is who is going to be your labor coach and who will be allowed during the labor. First of all, these people need to the doctor about how to prepare for participation in labors.

Some couples are also inviting photographers or videographers to capture the most unforgettable moment of their new family member’s appearance. Add this to the birthing plan template and think about this matter so that you will not regret it in the future.

2. How to Arrange the Environment?

If you have not yet thought about where you would like to give birth, it is time. Will it be a hospital, birthing center, or home? After adding this question to a simple birth plan, take your time to weigh all the pros and cons of every available option.

As soon as you decide, think about how to arrange everything inside this room:

  • Light;
  • Comforting music;
  • Anything else that can facilitate labors for you.

3. Which Routines Will You Agree on Before Labors?

With contractions, you may not be able to properly think and reply to the regular routines that are carried out upon getting to the hospital (if you have chosen this option). Therefore, even your natural birth plan checklist should include such aspects as:

  • Shaving,
  • Enema,
  • IV, etc.

4. Which Interventions Will You Allow?

This is the most essential aspect to consider. That is why it is worth including the below points into your printable birth plan and ask your doctor if you have any questions regarding any of these procedures:

  • Fetal monitoring,
  • External & internal maternal monitoring,
  • Inducing the labor, rupturing your membranes, and episiotomy,
  • Utilizing vacuum extraction or resorting to Cesarean delivery.

5. What Would You Prefer During Delivery?

Of course, your plans are subject to changes if you would like, however, knowing in advance how to behave will help you cope with the process:

  • Methods of pain relief;
  • Allowed & preferred food and drinks;
  • Showing or bathing;
  • Umbilical cord: will your partner cut it.

6. What do You Plan After Arrival Home?

Of course, there are a lot of cute routines to take care of, for example, thinking of the most appropriate baby announcement ideas. However, before that, think about your plans for feeding type, presence of a babysitter, equipping the nursery, and acquainting your newborn with siblings if any. In general, a lot depends on your usual lifestyle. Think about these matters before you head to the hospital to have less stress after coming back home.

All in all, getting ready for the appearance of a child is worrisome, however, responsible at the same time. Even having a one-page birth plan template, there are lots of crucial decisions to be made. So, it’s better to get started.

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