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Have you just discovered that life is soon going to change? Or have you already got a bump that can be hardly covered? Probably, you have just taken your little one home from the hospital. It does not matter. Here, we have selected for you the best tips for new moms from different sources and based on the experience of other parents. We hope that you will find responses to most of the questions you have got concerning your new condition and permanently changing situation.
If You Have Just Discovered Your Pregnancy…
During the appointment with the doctor, you have finally heard the words you have been dreaming about for so long. You are pregnant! First of all, congratulations! When the first days of euphoria are over, it is time to realize that there is a long way ahead. Thus, it is better to get ready. We will list some most crucial pregnancy tips for new moms for you to consider. Before that, it is important to note that no one on the planet knows what is better for you except for you (of course, if you are healthy and need no medical interference). And if you have decided that the first thing is to select the list of the most amazing names for babies, no one has the right to tell you when to choose the name for your already loved and expected baby.
A Couple of Pregnancy Tips for New Moms
You and your partner are already aware of the condition in which you are. What you are going to do and how to behave is the decision to be made on your own. Why? You are the only person who understands your body and its wishes. However, there are still some recommendations from professionals in the field, as well as from experienced parents for your consideration.

1. Do Not Reveal Your Condition During the First Trimester
Some people believe this is a superstition and has nothing to do with the health and state of your future baby. Though, this recommendation is mostly caused by the wish to shield you from all the people around who will start annoying you with their recommendations. Besides, during this period, you can be nauseous. Thus, too caring people around may irritate.
What is more, think about this. During the first months of pregnancy, physically, your figure shows almost no changes. It is as if your body tries to conceal the condition. Anyway, it is up to you to decide. Though, if wait till the next trimester, most likely, you will get used to the changes in your body and life and will be more psychologically ready to accept congratulations and listen to pieces of advice for mommy to be.
2. Read Books on Your Condition and First Year of Your Baby
It may seem that there is plenty of time ahead for reading. Though, during the last months of pregnancy, you will be dealing with the list of items necessary for a newborn, as well as with what you will need in the nursery. Now, it is the best time to understand what is going on and what will be happening with your body in the future. Besides, a better understanding of the routines of the first months after the birth of your child will help you with buying necessities for this period.
The abundance of literature nowadays is impressive. The only recommendation to what should be read is: opt for the books that are editing in collaboration with pediatricians and gynecologists. It is better to rely on data that are based on scientific evidence not just the popular opinion of a blogger.
Get Rid of All the Stress
It seems obvious, however, some future parents are trying to finish everything before the birth of their baby. Finalizing important projects at work, getting the nursery completely ready, buying everything they may ever need. Some future parents begin making a baby registry list the next day after they discover pregnancy. These all are important matters, no doubts. Though, if they lead to additional stress and load, try finding another way out. A project can be finalized later or assigned to a colleague. The nursery can be decorated later. Necessary items will be ordered online when you need them. Staying calm and happy, as well as enjoying this condition should be on the top of all the chores and routines.
Before Going to the Hospital
Above are just a few suggestions intended to facilitate your life through changing attitudes to the importance of your condition, health, and mood. Remember, there is nothing more important than the way you feel. Do not listen to experienced moms on how badly they have felt during their third pregnancy. You are unique, her condition is unlikely the same as yours. So, the main moto of a future mom should be: Stay Calm and Be Happy!
The same refers to the last days before going to the hospital. You are probably tired after these almost 40 weeks of pregnancy. Well, quite soon, you will bring a new person to life. The person that will change your life forever. We suggest you not to overload yourself with anything harder than thinking how to organize baby clothes or which brand of diapers to choose. Keep reading what we can recommend to you for the upcoming months.
Advice For New Parents: Quotes and References Are Also Included
After you have come home from the hospital and start understanding the situation you are in now, it is important to properly arrange all the routines and chores so that you are not too tired and exhausted from all the new responsibilities you have got. For this, we have prepared some suggestions.
Baby Tips for New Moms to Avoid Exhaustion
If you have been reading during pregnancy, you have probably met the term postpartum depression. You may think that this won’t happen to you. However, still consider what we suggest below so that not to find yourself in this situation.
1. Ask for Help
The period of physical rehabilitation after pregnancy and childbirth can be quite long, especially if you have had a cesarean section. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Ask your partner or parents. There is also the possibility to hire a housekeeper to run all the chores. There is always a way out. No need to be a supermom who will do everything on her own. Otherwise, you risk finding yourself exhausted and overwhelmed with emotions.
2. Talk About Your Feelings
If you have any negative feelings, do not keep them inside. Talk to your partner who does not experience the same hormonal explosion inside. This is completely natural to feel like this after 40 weeks of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, etc. Your body has transformed. Let your partner decide if you can handle the situation on your own or a specialist is needed. This is a crucial piece of advice for new parents. Otherwise, you may find yourself in not a great emotional and physical state. Thus, prevention is the best cure.
3. Live the Moment
Coming home from the hospital, you discover that aside from regular cooking and cleaning, there is an endless cycle of washing baby clothes, changing diapers, feeding, etc. There is simply no time to sleep sufficiently. What can be said about enjoying the precious moments with your sleeping baby? Forget about the chores and let yourself enjoy the time of good sleep together with your child. Do not forget about hug and kiss sessions. Let parenthood be a joyful period for you, not an endless cycle of routines. “Enjoy your precious moments together,” these are the words of Wayne Fleisig, Ph.D.
4. Find Time for Yourself
Under no condition, you should forget that you are a woman. If you want to have a bath, change a haircut or simply have some rest, ask someone to stay with your baby and devote some time to yourself. Only a woman feeling relaxed and happy can raise a child and properly take care of the family. This is one of the basic rules for every family. Do not ignore this recommendation so that not to find yourself blaming other people in feeling unhappy and miserable.
Recommendations to Arrange a Proper Schedule
Every child is unique and different. Some of them have no colics and have no trouble with sleeping. However, feedback from modern parents confirms that there is a low percentage of parents who have got such calm newborns. If you have already had several sleepless nights and days, we suggest you think about setting the schedule for your baby. If you manage to implement this baby advice for new parents, it will be your contribution to the future rest at nights.
Teach Your Child Falling Asleep on Its Own
Of course, when your baby is so small, it is such a warm feeling you have got while rocking it to sleep. Or probably, your little one nods off in the process of feeding. These are harmful habits that will lead to inconveniences in the future. Think of rocking a 22-lbs baby. Not such a great habit, isn’t it? There are lots of recommendations on how to help your newborn fall asleep without your help. This is going to be the first useful habit for both parents and a newborn.
Repeat the Same Routines Every Day
After spending 40 weeks in the womb, it is hard to adapt to what is happening around. Help your child feel secure and understand the surrounding. Try arranging the schedule with repeated actions. For instance, make a massage before going to a bath. Switch on calm music or lullabies before going to bed at night. In a week or two, your baby will remember these routines and will not overreact to any changes in their state.
Follow the Schedule Yourself
When you start setting the schedule for your child, you will understand that sometimes it is necessary to wake it up. If you have not relaxed enough, you won’t wake up, thus, this will lead to the shift of schedule. This is acceptable once or twice. But if this happens all the time, you will never succeed in setting the schedule for your child. If you want it to follow it, be ready to live in the same schedule as well. Self-discipline is one of the recommendations and baby tips for new moms not everyone is ready to follow.

Baby Advice for New Parents Related to Raising
Above, we have listed recommendations and tips that will help you in arranging routines and schedules to adapt to the new life you have got. They are focused on the proper prioritizing of the health and well-being of parents and their child. However, in the process of raising a child, lots of other questions appear. We will try to focus on advice for new parents and quotes from specialists in the field.
The Main Principle of Raising a Child
After you celebrate the first birthday of your child, quite probably, there will be no problems with night sleeping, feeding, and other routines that seemed so hard when you have just started your parenthood. Now it is time to think about how to raise your child, reply to the questions he/she asks, etc. Here are some suggestions to consider.
Always Be Honest
Have you ever thought why children know how to lie? Who has taught them? Just analyze, have you ever told your baby not to tell his father broke his favorite cup? This can be anything that seems innocent. For a child, however, it does not matter. If you want to teach your son or daughter being honest, be honest yourself. Remember: your baby will feel that you are lying. They can read emotions and feelings quite well. If the situation is complicated, it is better to avoid an unpleasant conversation instead of lying. Parents are the best examples for their children in everything. Wendy Mogel, Ph.D., author of The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, reminds that you are a role model for your baby. Do not bring your child up, bring up yourself. A baby will look at you and make own conclusions.
Apologize If You Are Wrong
We are all people. Even parents can be wrong in something. Probably, you have yelled at your baby only because you were out of sorts. As soon as you have realized this, go and apologize. Let your baby feel that he/she is respected. If you never apologize, how can you expect this from your baby? There is nothing bad in showing that anyone can do something wrong. The most important is to realize this and work on changing behavior in the future.
Read Instead of Scrolling Feed on FB
First, read to your child. This is a great habit from the first months of his/her life. In such a way, you will encourage the development of language skills. Later, regular reading will help develop imagination and creativity. Also, it is crucial to prefer reading a book instead of spending hours with a cell phone. Once again, your example makes more impact than your words. How will you persuade your teenage son to put his cell phone away during dinner if you used to read the news on the tablet when he was small? These are the words of advice for new parents to pay attention from the very first months as it can sometimes be hard to get rid of the habit to spend time with mobile devices.
Be Consistent and Explain This to Your Baby
If you have set a rule of not going to bed later than 10 p.m., strictly follow it. Even on weekends and holidays. Well, there can be some very rare exceptions, however. People are not robots. If you have promised to watch a cartoon after your baby reads several pages or does homework, do this. If your child breaks the rule and does not want to obey it, do what you have promised. Stay strong and do not let your child manipulate you. These all may sound too strict, however, following the rules works positively in the process of raising. Just make sure that you are, indeed, not too demanding and have set fair rules.
Be Ready to Answer to All the Why and What Questions
When your baby reached the age of 3-4 years, he/she becomes curious about everything. Why is the grass green? Why have you bought this cheese? What is the planet? What is Mexico? These are just a few and even not the most extraordinary questions. Your child is trying to learn everything about the world. This curiosity is natural. The biggest mistake is getting annoyed by these questions. You can be too exhausted, this is understandable. Promise to answer all the questions in the morning. It is crucial not to forget about this promise the next day. If you do not know how to reply, tell honestly that you do not know. Ask someone else or search reply on the Internet. Feed this curiosity and indulge it so that your baby is interested in the process of learning.
Teach Your Baby to Be Polite
Explain why we greet people in the street and who to greet. Tell how to interact with people you know and how to behave if a stranger approaches. Say thanks, please, welcome, and all the other polite expressions. Do not forget to praise your baby when he/she does this correctly.
Praise When Your Child Makes Attempts
Not every action may lead to success. The concept is alike for answering the questions. If your child tries to do something but fails, do not lie saying that this is the best result ever. Be honest and say compliments about what has been done properly and correctly. There shall be no criticizing, find the words that will motivate your baby to try again and again till he/she manages to reach success.
All in all, thinking about raising a baby, it is important to understand the basic principles that are honesty, tolerance, and being the right example. If you want to bring up a decent clever person, become this person yourself.
Some Unexpected and Funny Tips for New Moms and Dads
Raising a child seems to be full of rules, recommendations, and prescriptions. Well, that is not completely true. Of course, you should prioritize the safety and health of your baby. Also, it is crucial to develop proper social skills and encourage the interests of your child. Though, we want you to have fun while raising your baby. So, here are some pieces of funny advice for new parents you will definitely like.
Have Fun & Raise Your Baby
There are so many things parents should change in their lives when a new family member appears. This is a responsible attitude to the situation. However, do not give up everything you liked so much.
Stick to Your Traditions
If you are used to spending New Year with your friends and know that your baby will be safe there, why refusing from this tradition. Make sure you can stick to your routines and that there will be a separate room for your baby to sleep.
Do Not Be Afraid to Behave Like a Child
Would you like to run under the rain in summer or jump in puddles? Would you like to spend a day off watching cartoons with your daughter? Sometimes, we can forget about the rules and simply enjoy life and time with the family. Think of the most positive moments you remember from your childhood. They are mostly about the funniest times spent with family and friends. Let the memories of your baby be filled with such moments, instead of just the set of rules.
Dr. Domar even recommends behaving silly, laugh, make funny faces, and run around your house. This may also help to get rid of negative emotions. This is why children are mostly in a good mood. They focus on the positive moments. Follow their example.
Just try one of the above funny tips for new moms and dads and you will feel how cool it is to spend time with your baby. Parenthood is not just about rules and restrictions. Soon, your child will grow up and prefer spending time with friends. Live the moment and enjoy this time.
Advice for New Parents Cards & Other Gifts
People around you, relatives, and friends mostly wish you the best. The situation when you are waiting for a baby or have already brought your newborn home is alike. Together with gifts and congratulations, there will be lots of advice cards for new parents full of useful tips and recommendations. So, how to react to this?
The most crucial is not to take every recommendation too close. Besides the examples and experience of other people is not necessarily what will happen to you. Thus, it is better to politely thank everyone for trying to help and that’s it.
If you are looking for tips and pieces of advice for new parents cards to congratulate your friends with a great event in their lives, try to be neutral in your choice. If you are not sure what to present, you may consider a gift card. One more idea is to find one of the cute advice cards for new parents in one of the numerous online and offline shops. Your friends or relatives will, undoubtedly, appreciate your care.
Final Words
Being a parent is a responsible and complicated job. There are a lot of unusual routines you will have to get used to. What is more, the information is nowadays so abundant that it is hard to understand how to act correctly. That is why it is important to find own zone of comfort. This zone should include people you want there, schedules and routines you are ready to do, etc. Find lifestyle and parenthood combination that will bring pleasure to you, your partner, and child.
Last but not least and probably the best advice for new parents: you are those people who know your baby better. You carry responsibility for your son or daughter. That is why it is up to you only to make important decisions. Do not let other people interrupt unless this is a matter of life and death.